At Essist we want you to dream big and help you achieve those dreams. That’s why we offer scholarships for those seeking advanced degrees in various specialties and financing for those interest in launching a business. All students will have an opportunity to submit for potential funding by meeting specific requirements.
To apply, after selecting your specialty towards an advanced degree you must:
A. Complete at least 65 hours of required Course time AND submit a 500-word essay on what you aim to achieve after the completion of your degree.
B. Complete at least 45 hours of required Course time AND submit a referral letter from an Essist mentor AND submit a 500-word essay on what you aim to achieve after the completion of your degree.
To submit you must:
A. Complete at least 65 hours of required Course time AND submit an outline of your business plan with your investment proposal.
B. Complete at least 45 hours of required Course time AND submit a referral letter from an Essist mentor AND submit an outline of your business plan with your investment proposal.
Be sure to check the “Updates” section on your profile. In this section you will see when your materials have been received, opened, and if you are selected to interview for the scholarship or pitch for your business. Expected timeframe from submission to interview/pitch is 6-8 weeks.
If you are selected: You will receive a message with your interview or pitch date. Both the interview and pitch will be with a panel of appropriate members of the Essist team and Essist Mentors.
If you are NOT selected: You will receive a message requesting further information on your submitted materials.
I want fundingYou’ve been awarded funding: Congratulations! A member of the Essist team will reach out to you with further details regarding your scholarship or financing.
You have been denied funding: If after your interview/pitch you have been denied funding, this can be discouraging however, Essist offers additional support and unlimited opportunities to resubmit. You will be assigned an appropriate Essist team member to answer your questions and polish your pitch or mock interview. Additionally, if a mentor identifies potential in your goals, they may request to guide you.
I want funding